
Abandoned Cart Emails

This feature helps increase conversions by triggering reminder emails, encouraging customers to finalize their purchase.

July 19, 2024

Abandoned Carts Explained

We're pleased to introduce the Abandoned Cart Emails feature, designed to help increase conversion rates across our stores.

Our system now recognizes when a user builds a cart on a swag store but doesn't complete the checkout process. This feature triggers reminder emails to users, encouraging them to finalize their purchase.

How does it work?

Triggering Emails:

  • 1-Hour Reminder: If a user updates their cart but doesn't check out, an email notification is sent 1 hour after the last update.
  • 24-Hour Reminder: If the user still hasn't completed the checkout, a second reminder email is sent 24 hours after the last update.

Email Content:

  • Each email will include a short and friendly invitation to complete the purchase.
  • A link to the abandoned cart will be provided, making it easy for users to return and complete their order.

Why does this matter?

  • Increased Conversion Rates: Encourages users to return and complete their purchases, boosting sales.
  • User Engagement: Keeps potential customers engaged and reminds them of their intended purchases.
  • Seamless Experience: Provides an easy way for users to return to their cart and finalize their orders.

By utilizing the Abandoned Cart Emails feature, you can effectively increase your store's conversion rates and ensure a smoother shopping experience for your users.