Stores Explained

Designed to centralize all your stores, making it easy to manage and navigate them efficiently.

Stores Explained

Managing multiple stores can become overwhelming without the right tools. Avail's Stores section is designed to centralize all your stores, making it easy to manage and navigate them efficiently.

Using the Stores Section:

When you access the Stores section, you’ll find a user-friendly interface that helps you keep track of all your stores:

  1. Store Overview:
    • Each store is represented by a card displaying its name, status, and shareable URL link.
    • This overview allows you to quickly identify and access each store.
  2. Filtering Options:
    • Use filters to view stores by their status: live, drafts, or all. This helps you manage stores at different stages efficiently.
  3. Viewing Store Details:
    • Click on the "View Details" button on each store card to see more information.
    • This includes shipments associated with the store, ensuring you have all relevant details at your fingertips.

Benefits of the Stores Feature:

  • Enhanced Organization: Keeps all your stores in one centralized location.
  • Easy Navigation: Quickly access and manage stores through an intuitive interface.
  • Detailed Insights: View detailed information about each store, including shipment data.

Contacting Support

For any questions or assistance with managing your stores, please contact our support team at or call us at 704-228-2282.

By using the Stores section, you can effectively manage all your stores in one place, taking a streamlined and organized approach to your swag management.