User Roles & Permissions

This article takes you through our different user roles and how to set and manage permissions within your account.

Understanding Roles & Permissions

Knowing how to use user roles and permissions is crucial for managing your team and being successful with the Avail Swag platform. This guide explains how to access account settings and details the different roles available.

Accessing Account Settings

  1. Log into your Avail account.
  2. Click your user profile in the bottom left hand corner.
  3. Select "Account Settings" from the menu.

Managing User Roles

Once you access your account settings, locate the "Team" tab within the menu. This tab will display all of the active users that have access to your Avail account. It will show you their name, profile picture, email, and user roles.

User Roles

  • Admin:
    • Permissions: Access to everything, including all projects, requests, invoices, and stores.
    • Invite Ability: Can invite new users to the platform.
    • Best For: Users that are actively managing company swag
  • Member:
    • Permissions: Access to everything, including all proejcts, requests, invoices, and stores.
    • Invite Ability: Can not invite new users.
    • Best For: Users involved in managing swag without needing invite capabilities.
  • Guest:
    • Permissions: Can make swag requests, but only sees their projects, invoices, and activity.
    • Best For: Departments and team members needing access to swag requests, but not involved in overall account management.

Benefits of Each Role:

Admins: Full control and visibility. Ideal for those overseeing swag management for the company.

Members: Access to management tools and organization activity without the ability to invite new users.

Guests: Limited access, perfect for departmental use and those who need to order swag.

Contacting Support:

For any questions or assistance with user roles and permissions, reach out to our support team at or call us at 704-228-2282.

By understanding and properly assigning user roles, you can ensure efficient and secure management of your company's swag operations.