Managing User Activity

Monitoring user activity logs and setting up activity alerts.

Managing User Activity Within Your Account

Effective management and oversight of user activity are essential for a streamlined swag program. Avail Swag provides comprehensive tools for admins to oversee all account activities in one central platform.

Staying Connected

As an Admin of your account, you can oversee all aspects of the platform, including projects, requests, designs, communications, billing details, shipments, and more.

By having all of this information in one easy to access place, you can reduce the amount of time and stress it takes to manage your company swag.

Tracking Activity

  • Your main dashboard shows an Activity card. This serves up the most recent activities across your account.
  • Information includes who performed the activity, the type of activity, when it occurred, and the associated project name.

This same information can be found in the Activity tab at the bottom of your navigation menu. This makes it easy to access, regardless of where you are in the platform. This is also where you'll receive project updates and any notifications where you were mentioned.

Slack Integration

Within your Activity tab, you'll find a Slack icon. Click this icon to integrate your Avail account to your Slack account. This will push notifications to a specific slack channel, ensuring you stay connected and informed when it matters most.

Benefits of Centralized Activities

  1. Enhanced Control: Full oversight into all swag activities across the account.
  2. Improved Organization: Activities act as a running record of what happened and when making sure no details are lost.
  3. Better Communication: Integrated notifications and updates make it easy to stay on top of your program.
  4. Efficient Management: Simplifies monitoring and management of the moving pieces.

Contacting Support:

For any questions or assistance with managing user activity, please contact our support team at or call us at 704-228-2282.

By utilizing these tools, you can effectively manage and monitor all user activities within your Avail Swag account, ensuring a smooth and efficient swag program.